Christian Therapy Services for Women
Cathy DeLoach Lewis, MA, LCMHC
I am a
collaborator with other professional counselors
change facilitator and
connector of women to help them create community.

After earning my graduate diploma in Christian Counseling in 1997 and my graduate degree in psychology in 1998, I was able to be what I had wanted to be since the sixth grade…become a counselor and help people. I received my license in 2001 to provide professional therapy services in North Carolina and opened my private practice, Christian Therapy Services, LLC in 2002.
After graduate school and working with clients a couple of years, I created an integrative counseling approach called the ‘B.E.S.T.’ Model©. This model addresses the whole person God has created us to be, and the foundation of this model is found in The Greatest Commandment.
Jesus is asked, “What is the greatest commandment?” And He answers, “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.” (Mark 12:28-31, NIV)
The Greatest Commandment which I had read many times was illuminated in a manner I had never experienced. I saw four parts of me (my whole being) Jesus is commanding me to love God with…my Body (strength) Emotions (heart), Spirit (soul) and Thoughts (mind). I also noticed there are three relationships Jesus is commanding me to love with my whole being…my God, my neighbor, and my self! So Jesus is commanding that I love God, others AND myself with my whole being!
When we live as though our Body, Emotions, Spirit, and Thoughts are separate, we live disconnected from God, ourselves, and others. This disconnection often leads to imbalanced, disordered, and compulsive behaviors, creating distant, disconnected and dysfunctional relationships with our families, friendships, ministries, work colleagues, and churches.
My hope is to help women live whole lives, experience a healthier and connected life and deeper, more intimate relationships with God, themselves, and others.
MA in Psychology with a Specialty in Professional Counseling from Georgia School of Professional Psychology (GSPP) Atlanta, Georgia,1998
Masters Diploma in Christian Counseling from Psychological Studies Institute (PSI) Atlanta, Georgia, 1997
BS Psychology/Sociology, Presbyterian College, Clinton, SC, 1979
LPC #3782 (Licensed Professional Counselor) 2001
LCMHC #3782 (Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor) 2020 Note: LPC credential changed by NC state licensing board to LCMHC
Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS) since 2011
Former member of American Counselors Association (ACA) and American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC)
Former President, Vice President, and member of Carolinas Christian Counseling Fellowship (CCCF)
Adjunct Professor/Instructor, counseling courses at Gardner-Webb University, 2008-2011
Adjunct Instructor, College Study Skills courses at Central Piedmont Community College, 2008-2012
Adjunct Professor, Christian counseling courses at Charlotte Christian College and Theological Seminary, 2011-201
Prior to becoming a professional counselor, I had 15 years of financial marketing, human resources, project management, and training experience with two family-owned businesses and two corporations.