Christian Therapy Services for Women
Cathy DeLoach Lewis, MA, LCMHC
Individual psychotherapy for adult women needing treatment for…
Boundaries externally with others and internally with yourself – saying yes to healthy choices and relationships and no to unhealthy choices and toxic relationships; recognizing when you give the power of your life away to another.
Codependent behaviors-essentially being under responsible for yourself and over responsible for others.
Grief and unresolved pain from loss (all types of losses, past and present)
Recovering from Relational Abuse
Spiritual questions & confusion about authority and submission, women in church leadership, and an overall curiosity about your relationship with the Triune God.
Trauma – recovering, healing, growing and becoming resilient
Initial Therapy Session $240.00 75-90 minutes
Individual Therapy Session $160.00 50-60 minutes
Individual Therapy Session $240.00 60-90 minutes
Consultations $240.00 75-90 minutes
Consultations $160.00 50-60 minutes
Connection Workshops and Groups for Women
God has wired all of us to need connective, safe community. And while I understand how frightening it is to risk being vulnerable, not just with me but also with others, I also know authentically sharing your pain in a safe therapeutic relationship AND having a safe supportive community is needed to sustain you on your healing journey. So together, we will assess your safe, unsafe, and potentially abusive relationships in your life so you can build your own connecting community.
I also offer Connection Workshops for Women and invite those who attend to consider creating a Connective Support Group. Connection Workshops are typically on Saturday mornings. During this event, I invite women to create their own support group among the women who have attended and will offer my support to launch their Connection Support Group.
The cost for these events varies.
Speaker at Women’s Gatherings
Please review both pages of my Speaker Sheet.
My speaker fees vary.
If interested in these services…